
Land Sale Permission: Application Process অসম

মাটি বা সম্পত্তি ক্ৰয় বা বিক্ৰীৰ কথা আহিলে আইনী মালিকীস্বত্বৰ উপাধি লাভ কৰাটো অতি গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ। মালিকীস্বত্বৰ নিৰৱচ্ছিন্ন হস্তান্তৰ নিশ্চিত কৰিবলৈ, পঞ্জীয়ন আইন ১৯০৮ৰ ধাৰা ২১ৰ অধীনত প্ৰয়োজনীয় স্থাৱৰ সম্পত্তি হস্তান্তৰৰ বাবে আপত্তিহীন প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ (এন অ চি) লাভ কৰিব লাগিব। এই গাইডত আমি আপোনাক আবেদন প্ৰক্ৰিয়াৰ মাজেৰে লৈ যাম অসমত মাটি বিক্ৰীৰ বাবে এন অ’ চিৰ বাবে প্ৰয়োজনীয় নথি-পত্ৰ, আৰু অনলাইনত ষ্টেটাছ কেনেকৈ পৰীক্ষা কৰিব পাৰি। land sale permission

অসমত ভূমি বিক্ৰীৰ বাবে NOC ৰ বাবে আবেদন প্ৰক্ৰিয়া:

১/ তলত উল্লেখ কৰা নিৰ্দেশনা অনুসৰণ কৰি NOC ৰ বাবে আবেদন কৰিবলৈ নিজ নিজ চক্ৰ কাৰ্যালয়লৈ যাওক।
২) এন অ চিৰ আবেদন পত্ৰখন সাৱধানে পূৰণ কৰক, নিশ্চিত কৰক যে বিক্ৰেতা(সকল) আৰু ক্ৰেতা(সকল) দুয়োজনে ইয়াত স্বাক্ষৰ কৰে।
৩/ প্ৰয়োজনীয় নথি-পত্ৰ সংলগ্ন কৰক, যিবোৰ বিক্ৰেতাই স্ব-প্ৰমাণিত কৰিব লাগে বা যথাযথভাৱে নটাৰীকৃত হ’ব লাগে।
৪) নিয়ম অনুসৰি প্ৰয়োজনীয় মাচুলৰ সৈতে সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰা আবেদন দাখিল কৰিব লাগিব।
৫/ উপ আয়ুক্তই আপোনাৰ আবেদন পুনৰীক্ষণ কৰিব, যিকোনো আপত্তি পৰিষ্কাৰ কৰিব, আৰু এন অ চি জাৰি কৰিব।
৬) এবাৰ NOC পালে সম্পত্তিৰ পঞ্জীয়ন আৰু পৰৱৰ্তী মাটিৰ মিউটেচনৰ কাম আগবাঢ়ক।

যোগ্যতাৰ মাপকাঠী:land sale permission

মাটি বিক্ৰীৰ বাবে এন অ’ চিৰ বাবে আবেদন কৰিবলৈ হ’লে আপুনি ভাৰতৰ বাসিন্দা আৰু সম্পত্তিৰ আইনী মালিক বা অধিবক্তা হ’ব লাগিব।

NOC আবেদনৰ বাবে প্ৰয়োজনীয় নথিপত্ৰসমূহ:
১/ আদালতৰ মাচুল।
২/ ক্ৰেতা(সকল) আৰু বিক্ৰেতা(সকল)ৰ ফটো।
৩) ফ্লেটৰ মূল্য (যদি প্ৰযোজ্য হয়) আৰু মাটিৰ বিভাজনকে ধৰি বিবেচনাৰ ঘোষণা।
৪/ শেহতীয়া ৰাজহ ৰচিদ (খাজানা ৰছিদ)।
৫) ক্ৰেতাৰ নাগৰিকত্বৰ প্ৰমাণ (ভোটাৰ তালিকাৰ প্ৰমাণিত প্ৰতিলিপি/পাছপ’ৰ্ট আদি)।
৬) জামাবন্দী কপি/ভূমি পট্টা (যদি উপলব্ধ)।
7. ক্ৰেতা(সকল), বিক্ৰেতা(সকল), বা এটৰ্নীৰ ক্ষমতা ধাৰীৰ শপতনামা।
৮/ ক্ৰেতা(সকল) আৰু বিক্ৰেতা(সকল)ৰ ফটো আইডি।
৯/ পাৱাৰ অৱ এটৰ্নী কপি (যদি বিক্ৰেতা এজন এটৰ্নী ধাৰী)।
১০) ঠিকনা প্ৰমাণ ধাৰীৰ সপক্ষে পট্টাদাৰৰ পৰা শপতনামা।
১১) সহযোগীৰ কৰ্তৃত্ব/এন অ চি (ফ্লেটৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত)।
১২) সহ-পট্টাদৰৰ পৰা এন অ’ চি।
১৩) জিএমচি/জিএমডিএ/পৌৰসভা/নগৰ সমিতিৰ ৰচিদ/দখলৰ প্ৰমাণ পত্ৰ (ফ্লেটৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত)।
১৪) ক্ৰেতা আৰু বিক্ৰেতা উভয়ৰে বাবে PAN/TAN কাৰ্ড।
১৫) ভূমি ৰখাৰ প্ৰমাণ পত্ৰ।
১৬) উন্নয়ন কৰ্তৃপক্ষৰ পৰা অনুমতি (টাউন এলেকাৰ মাটিৰ বাবে)।
১৭) নিজ নিজ পঞ্জীয়ন কাৰ্যালয়ৰ পৰা নন-ইনকাম্বেন্স প্ৰমাণ পত্ৰ।

NOC Online ৰ অৱস্থা পৰীক্ষা কৰা:

আপোনাৰ NOC এপ্লিকেচনৰ অৱস্থা পৰীক্ষা কৰিবলৈ আৰু অনুমোদিত NOC ডাউনলোড কৰিবলৈ, এই পদক্ষেপসমূহ অনুসৰণ কৰক:
১/ ৱেবছাইট চাওক।
2. NOC অৱস্থা অংশ অভিগম কৰক।
3. আপোনাৰ এপ্লিকেচনৰ বৰ্তমান অৱস্থা চাবলৈ প্ৰয়োজনীয় বিৱৰণসমূহ সুমুৱাওক।
৪/ ইয়াৰ উপৰিও অনলাইন পৰ্টেলৰ জৰিয়তে জাৰি কৰা এন অ’ চিৰ বৈধতা বৃদ্ধিৰ বাবে আবেদন কৰিব পাৰিব।

মাটি বিক্ৰীৰ বাবে এন অ’ চি লাভ কৰাটো আপোনাৰ সম্পত্তিৰ মালিকীস্বত্বৰ আইনী হস্তান্তৰ নিশ্চিত কৰাৰ এক অপৰিহাৰ্য পদক্ষেপ। আবেদন প্ৰক্ৰিয়া অনুসৰণ কৰি, প্ৰয়োজনীয় নথিপত্ৰ প্ৰস্তুত কৰি, আৰু অনলাইনত অৱস্থা পৰীক্ষা কৰি, আপুনি এটা মসৃণ আৰু হেঁচামুক্ত লেনদেনৰ সুবিধা কৰিব পাৰে।

How To apply for PRC Click Here

NHM Assam Recruitment

NHM Assam Recruitment 2023: 699 CHO Vacancies

National Health Mission (NHM), Assam has recently issued an official notification for the recruitment of 699 vacancies for the post of Community Health Officer (CHO). Individuals who have completed B.Sc Nursing or Post Basic B.Sc Nursing with an Integrated Certificate Course in Community Health, as well as those holding a B.Sc. in Community Health, are eligible to apply for this position.

Interested and eligible candidates who have passed B.Sc Nursing can apply online for these positions through the official website.

Here are the details of NHM Assam CHO Recruitment:

Post Name: Community Health Officer (CHO)
Number of Posts: 699

Organization: National Health Mission, Assam

Remuneration: Rs 25,000 per month

Application Mode: Online
Last Date for Application Submission: 31st July 2023

Job Profile of Community Health Officer (CHO):

The CHO cadre is part of an initiative under Ayushman Bharat aimed at strengthening Sub-Centers as Health and Wellness Centers (H&WCs). The CHO’s role is to enhance primary healthcare services in sub-center areas by implementing public health programs, disease prevention, and health promotion. The selected candidates will be posted at Health & Wellness Centers as CHOs, leading a primary healthcare team consisting of front-line workers such as Female Health Workers (ANMs), Male Health Workers (MPWs), and ASHAs working under the Sub-Center.

Eligibility Criteria for NHM CHO Recruitment:

To be eligible for this position, candidates must meet the following criteria:

Educational Qualification:
– Candidates must have passed B.Sc Nursing or Post Basic B.Sc Nursing with an Integrated Certificate Course in Community Health/B.Sc. Community Health.
– B.Sc. Nursing / Post Basic B. Sc Nursing from a Nursing institution/University recognized by the Indian Nursing Council/Assam Nurses Midwives’ & Health Visitors’ Council.
– Candidates must be Registered Nurse Registered Midwife (RNRM) from Assam Nurses Midwives’ & Health Visitors’ Council.
– Candidates should submit a Certificate from the Principal of their respective Nursing College confirming the completion of the Integrated Certificate Course in Community Health (as per the given format in Appendix I).

Age Limit:

The maximum age limit for candidates is 35 years, with a relaxation of 5 years for SC and ST candidates as of 1st June 2023.

Other Criteria: Candidates should have proficiency in the regional/local language and dialect.

NHM Assam CHO Online Application:

Interested and eligible candidates can apply online by visiting the official website of NHM Assam at Please follow the steps below to fill out the online application:

1. Scroll down and go to the Important Web-Links section.
2. Click on the “Online Application Form.”
3. A new webpage will open.
4. Select the desired post and provide all personal and educational details, and upload the necessary documents.
5. Submit the application form.
6. Finally, take a printout of the application form.

Documents to be Uploaded with NHM CHO Online Form:

The following documents need to be uploaded with the Application Form:

i) Final year mark sheet of the last qualifying exam (Final Year BSc Nursing/Post Basic BSc Nursing)
ii) Provisional/Final Degree Certificate
iii) Registration Certificate from Assam Nursing Council.
iv) Age proof certificate.
v) Caste certificate (for candidates applying under reserved category).
vi) Certificate from the Principal of the Nursing College (Appendix I)

Important Dates of NHM CHO 2023:

– Starting date of submission of online application: 13th July 2023
– Last date of submission of online application: 31st July 2023

For more details and information, you can refer to the important web links provided for NHM Assam CHO vacancy.

More Jobs for Bsc Nursing

Assam VFA Training Course

Assam VFA Training Course 2022-23: Eligibility and Admission

Assam VFA Training Course Result 2023: Check Your PAT Report

The Principal of the School of Veterinary Science & A.H. at Ghungoor, Silchar, Assam, has published the results of the Personality Assessment Test (PAT) for the Session 2022-23. The PAT, held in January 2023, has been announced. If you have participated in the PAT, you can now check your report below. For interested candidates, detailed notifications are provided below. Stay updated with Assam Job Alert for more job notifications in Assam.

Assam VFA Training Course Details

Name of the Course: VFA Training Course
Session: 2022-23
Number of Seats: 450 [UR: 231, EWS: 28, MOBC/OBC: 104, SC: 32, ST(P): 41, ST(H): 14]

Required Eligibility:

To be eligible for admission, candidates must meet the following criteria:
– Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed HSSLC (Science) with Biology as a subject from a recognized University/Board.
– Age Limit: Candidates should be between 18 and 30 years old as of January 1, 2022. The upper age limit can be relaxed for candidates from reserved categories as per existing provisions. However, there is no provision for condonation of age. The relaxation is as follows:
– OBC/MOBC: 3 years
– SC, ST (P), and ST (H): 5 years

Training School Name: School of Veterinary Science & A.H. at Ghungoor, Silchar, Assam

How to Apply for Assam VFA Training Course Admission

Follow the steps below to apply for the Assam VFA Training Course Admission:

Step 1: Visit the important links section below.
Step 2: Click on the “Online Apply for Assam VFA Training Course Admission” link.
Step 3: You will be redirected to
Step 4: Click on the link for the online application.
Step 5: Fill out the VFA Training Course application form by following the instructions.
Step 6: Upload the necessary documents, including your passport photo and signature.
Step 7: Submit the application form and download the acknowledgement receipt or registration slip for future reference.

Application Fee:

– Unreserved/OBC/MOBC candidates: Rs. 250/-
– SC/ST candidates: Rs. 150/-
The application fee must be paid online.

Important Dates and Links for Assam VFA Training Course Admission

Check the following important dates and links for Assam VFA Training Course Admission:

– VFA Training Course Admission Notification: Check Here
– Online Apply for Assam VFA Training Course Admission: Check Here

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to join the VFA Training Course at the School of Veterinary Science & A.H. at Ghungoor, Silchar, Assam. Apply now and embark on a rewarding journey in animal husbandry and veterinary science.

Note: Please make sure to review the official notification for detailed eligibility criteria and instructions before applying.

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Purabi Dairy Recruitment 2023: Assistant Posts

Purabi Dairy Recruitment 2023: Assistant Posts

The West Assam Milk Producers’ Cooperative Union Limited (WAMUL), popularly known as Purabi Dairy, has released a recruitment notification for 04 Assistant Posts under APART. Interested candidates can find the detailed notification below. For more job notifications, please visit regularly.

Recruitment Details for Purabi Dairy Guwahati:

1. Assistant-I (Quality Assurance)

Number of Posts: 01

Salary: Rs. 3.37 lakhs per annum, including P.F. & other contributions. (Negotiable and commensurate with educational qualification & experience)

Educational Qualification: Indian Dairy Diploma (Dairy technology)/B.Sc. (Chemistry)/M.Sc. (Chemistry) from a reputed educational institute.

Work Experience: Freshers or preferably 1-2 years of working experience in the Milk/Food industry. Laboratory testing experience will be an added advantage.

Age: Not above 28 years as of 1st January 2023. However, a relaxation of up to 2 years may be given in case of extraordinary/outstanding candidates.

Last Date: 28th July 2023, 04:00 PM

2. Assistant-I (Finance & Accounts)

Number of Posts: 01

Salary: Rs. 3.37 lakhs per year, depending upon experience, educational qualification, and pay package of the last assignment.

Educational Qualification: Minimum B.Com from a recognized institute/university.

Work Experience: Minimum 2-3 years of experience in Finance and Accounts in a reputed organization, preferably in the Dairy/FMCG sector.

Age: Not more than 28 years as of 1st January 2023. However, a relaxation of up to 2 years may be given in case of extraordinary/outstanding candidates.

Last Date: 4th August 2023, 04:00 PM

3. Assistant-I Marketing (Sales & Distribution)

Number of Posts: 01

Salary: Rs. 3.37 lakhs per year, depending upon experience, educational qualification, and pay package of the last assignment.

Educational Qualification: Graduate from a recognized institute/university.

Work Experience: Minimum 1 year of experience in Sales & Distribution, preferably in the FMCG/Dairy industry.

Age: The candidate’s age should not be more than 30 years as of 1st January 2023.

Date of Walk-in Interview: 21st July 2023

4. Assistant-I (Procurement & Input)

Number of Posts: 01

Salary: Rs. 3.37 lakhs per year, depending upon experience, educational qualification, and pay package of the last assignment.

Educational Qualification: Graduate from a recognized institute/university.

Work Experience: Minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, preferably in the development sector. Experience in village-based extension activities will be an added advantage.

Age: Not above 28 years as of 1st January 2023. However, a relaxation of up to 2 years may be given in case of extraordinary/outstanding candidates.

Date of Walk-in Interview: 22nd July 2023

How to Apply for Purabi Dairy Guwahati Recruitment 2023:

For Posts 1 & 2:

Potential candidates with the requisite qualifications and experience should apply in English strictly as per the prescribed format of the Application Form provided in the official website of Purabi Dairy. Send the application in a sealed envelope clearly indicating “Application for the position of…” along with self-attested copies of all relevant testimonials (qualification, experience, age, identity proof, latest salary details, etc.) and a passport-size photograph to the following address before the last date mentioned for each position.

West Assam Milk Producers’ Co-operative Union Ltd. (WAMUL)
R.K. Jyoti Prasad Agarwala Road, Juripar Panjabari,
Near Sikkim House, Guwahati-781037 (Assam, India).

For Posts 3 & 4:

Interested and eligible candidates must appear for a walk-in interview on the mentioned date.

Time & Venue for Registration:

Time: 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Venue: Office of West Assam Milk Producers’ Cooperative Union Ltd (Purabi Dairy), Panjabari, -781037.

Important Dates and Links for WAMUL Recruitment 2023:
Last Date: Mentioned against each position
Official Recruitment Notification & Application Form: Check Here

Ayush Assam

AYUSH Assam Recruitment for District Programme Manager DEO

National AYUSH Mission (NAM), Assam, has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 62 vacancies for the positions of District Programme Manager (DPM) and Data Entry Operator (DEO). Interested candidates can find detailed information in the notification provided below. Stay updated with Assam Job Alert for more job notifications in Assam.

Last Date: 15/07/2023

AYUSH Mission Assam Recruitment Details

1. District Programme Manager

Number of Posts: 31

Remuneration: Rs. 40,000/- per month

Educational Qualification:

– Candidates should have a graduation degree in any discipline, including AYUSH, or an MBA in Healthcare Management/Masters in Health/Hospital Administration/Post Graduation Diploma in Hospital & Healthcare Management (Two years) from an AICTE recognized institute.
– Minimum 3 years of working experience in public health programs.
– Exposure to social sector schemes/missions at the national, state, and district levels.
– Proficiency in computer knowledge, including MS Office, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, and MS Excel, would be desirable.
– Preference will be given to candidates with experience in the health sector, including AYUSH.
– Experience: Minimum 3 years of relevant experience.

Age Limit: Up to 59 years as of 01.01.2023

Date of Interview: 28/07/2023 and 29/07/2023

2. Data Entry Operator

Number of Posts: 31

Remuneration: Rs. 20,000/- per month

Educational Qualification:

– Candidates should have a graduation degree in Computer Application/IT/Business Administration/B.Tech (C.S.) or (I.T.)/BCA/BBA/BSC-IT/Graduation with a one-year diploma/certificate course in computer science from a recognized institute or university.
– Exposure to social sector schemes at the national, state, and district levels and proficiency in computer knowledge, including MS Office, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, and MS Access, is essential.
– Typing Speed of English (30 WPM) and Hindi (25 WPM) is required.
– Preference will be given to candidates with experience in the health sector, including AYUSH.
– Experience: Minimum 2 years of relevant experience.

Age Limit: Up to 59 years as of 01.01.2023

Date of Interview: 31/07/2023 and 01/08/2023

How to Apply for AYUSH Mission Assam Recruitment

Interested and eligible candidates who wish to appear for the walk-in interview should report to the Office of the National AYUSH Mission, Assam. The interviews will be held from 28th July 2023 to 01st August 2023, between 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM, at the Office of the National AYUSH Mission, Assam, 2nd Floor Saikia Commercial Complex, Christian Basti, Guwahati-05.

Candidates must bring a duly filled Application Form (available in the important link section below) along with self-attested photocopies of all the relevant documents/certificates. Original documents/certificates must also be brought for verification during the walk-in interview.

Important Link and Date for AYUSH Mission Assam Recruitment

Date of Walk-in Interviews: 28th July to 01st August 2023

Recruitment Notification: Check Here

Application Form: Check Here

Assam's Revenue Soars: Record Growth

অসমৰ ৰাজহ আকাশ: অভিলেখ বৃদ্ধি!

অসমৰ মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰী কাৰ্যালয়ে যোৱা ১৫ জুলাইত ঘোষণা কৰিছিল যে ৰাজ্যৰ ৰাজহ যথেষ্ট বৃদ্ধি পাইছে। ২০২২-২৩ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত অসমে ₹৩০,২৬৩.৩৩ কোটি টকাৰ আচৰিত ধৰণৰ উপাৰ্জন কৰে। এই তথ্যসমূহ শ্বেয়াৰ কৰিবলৈ চিএমঅ’গৰাকীয়ে টুইটাৰত গৈ আভ্যন্তৰীণ উৎসৰ পৰা অসমৰ ৰাজহ আহৰণৰ ধাৰাবাহিক উৰ্ধমুখী ধাৰাক আলোকপাত কৰে। মাননীয় মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰী ড° হিমন্ত বিশ্ব শৰ্মাৰ নেতৃত্বত ৰাজ্যৰ সম্পদ আৰু ৰাজহ বৃদ্ধি পাইছে।

Assam's Revenue Soars: Record Growth
Assam’s Revenue Soars: Record Growth

শ্বেয়াৰ কৰা তথ্য অনুসৰি ২০১২-১৩ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত অসমৰ ৰাজহ ১০,৭২৩ কোটি ₹, ২০১৩-১৪ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ₹১১,৬৯৯.৯৬ কোটি, ২০১৪-১৫ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ₹১১,৮৬২.৭০ কোটি, ২০১৫-১৬, ২০২০ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ₹12,848 কোটি। ₹১৬,৪৩২.৬৮ টকা ২০১৬-১৭ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ১৭,২৮৭ কোটি, ২০১৮-১৯ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ২৪,১৪৬ কোটি, ২০১৯-২০ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ২২,০৬৮ কোটি, ২০২০-২১ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ২০,০৩৩.২৩ কোটি, ২৩,১১ ২০২১- ২০২০ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ২.৮৫ কোটি টকা। ২২, আৰু শেষত ২০২২-২৩ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ₹৩০,২৬৩.৩৩ কোটি টকা।

উল্লেখযোগ্য যে শেহতীয়াকৈ অসম চৰকাৰে ৰাজহ বৃদ্ধিৰ ব্যৱস্থা ৰূপায়ণ কৰিছে, য’ত ২০২৩ চনৰ ১ জুলাইৰ পৰা সুৰাৰ দাম বৃদ্ধি কৰা হৈছে।ইয়াৰোপৰি এতিয়া সুৰাৰ দোকানসমূহৰ সময় সংশোধন কৰা হৈছে আৰু নিশা ১১:০০ বজালৈকে খোলা থাকিব। প্ৰতিবেদন অনুসৰি মদৰ শুল্ক ৪%ৰ পৰা ২৫%লৈ বৃদ্ধি কৰা হৈছে, আৰু মলত মদ বিক্ৰীৰ অনুমতিও দিয়া হৈছে।

এই কৌশলগত পৰিৱৰ্তনসমূহ কাৰ্যকৰী কৰি অসম চৰকাৰে ৰাজহ আহৰণ বৃদ্ধি আৰু ৰাজ্যৰ অৰ্থনৈতিক বিকাশৰ দিশত আগুৱাই নিয়াৰ লক্ষ্য ৰাখিছে।

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National AYUSH Mission Recruitment

AYUSH Mission Recruitment: Walk-in Interviews

National AYUSH Mission, Assam, is conducting walk-in interviews for the recruitment of 62 District Programme Managers (DPM) and Data Entry Operators (DEO) from 28/07/2023 onwards. Interested candidates can apply here.

National AYUSH Mission Recruitment 2023

1. District Programme Manager

– Number of posts: 31

Educational Qualification:

– Graduation degree in any discipline, including AYUSH, or MBA in Healthcare Management/Masters in health/hospital administration/Post Graduation diploma in Hospital & healthcare management (Two years) from AICTE recognized institute.

– Minimum 3 years of working experience in public health programs.

– Exposure to social sector schemes/missions at national, state, and district levels.

– Computer knowledge including MS Office, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel would be desirable.

– Preference will be given to candidates with experience in the health sector, including AYUSH.

Remuneration: Rs.40,000/- per month.

Age Limit: Up to 59 years as on 01.01.2023.

Interview Dates: 28/07/2023 and 29/07/2023

2. Data Entry Operator

– Number of posts: 31

Educational Qualification:

– Graduation in Computer Application/IT/Business Administration/B.Tech (C.S.) or (I.T.)/BCA/BBA/BSC-IT/ Graduation with a one-year diploma/certificate course in computer science from a recognized institute or university.

– Exposure to social sector schemes at the national, state, and district levels, and computer knowledge including MS Office, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, and MS Excel, MS Access would be essential.

– Typing Speed of English (30 WPM) and Hindi (25 WPM) would be essential.

– Preference will be given to candidates with experience in the health sector, including AYUSH.

Remuneration: Rs.20,000/- per month.

Age Limit: Up to 59 years as on 01.01.2023.

Interview Dates: 31/07/2023 and 01/08/2023

How to Apply for National AYUSH Mission Recruitment:

– Candidates must bring a duly filled Application Form along with self-attested photocopies of all relevant documents/certificates. Original documents/certificates must be brought for necessary verification during the walk-in-interview.

– Eligible candidates are requested to report at the Office of the National AYUSH Mission, Assam, located at 2nd Floor Saikia Commercial Complex, Christian Basti, Guwahati-05, for the walk-in-interview scheduled from 28th July, 2023, to 01st August, 2023, between 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM.

Important Web-Links of National AYUSH Mission Recruitment

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seven sisters hospital goalpara

Recruitment at Seven Sisters Hospital Goalpara

Seven Sisters Hospital & R.C., Goalpara is inviting applications for the recruitment of 10 vacancies for the positions of Staff Nurse, Scrub Nurse, and OT Technician. Interested and eligible candidates can apply online here.

Seven Sisters Hospital  Recruitment 2023

1. Staff Nurse

Number of posts: 05
Pay: Best in the industry
Age Limit: 18-30
Educational Qualification: BSc./GNM
Experience: 0-5 years

2. Scrub Nurse

Number of posts: 3
Pay: Best in the industry
Age Limit: 18-30
Educational Qualification: HNM/ANM
Experience: 1-3 years

3. OT Technician

Number of posts: 2
Pay: Best in the industry
Age Limit: 18-30
Educational Qualification: Diploma in OT Technology
Experience: 0-3 years

How to Apply for Seven Sisters Hospital  Recruitment?

Applicants can share their updated CVs to the following E-Mail Address:
For more details, contact: +91-9156614179, +91-8638097957.

Address: Seven Sisters Hospital & Research Centre, Bapujinagar, Baladmari, In-front of S.P.Office Golapara, Pin: 783121.

About Seven Sisters Hospital Goalpara:
Seven Sisters Hospital & Research Centre is a maternity and surgical specialty hospital located in Goalpara. The hospital offers various services such as adolescent problem treatment, Implanon (Contraceptive Implant), D&C (Dilation and Curettage), hormonal therapy, and general surgery.

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Chayan Dutta

Assam’s North Lakhimpur Cheers for Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission Led by Local Son


The launch of ‘Chandrayaan-3,’ India’s third lunar mission, was a moment of pride and excitement for the people of Assam’s North Lakhimpur. They eagerly watched the launch on television, knowing that one of their own, Chayan Dutta, played a crucial role in the mission’s success. Let’s delve into why North Lakhimpur rallied behind the Chandrayaan-3 moon mission.

The eyes of North Lakhimpur were glued to the television as Chayan Dutta’s parents, running a small shop in the town, witnessed the historic launch. Chayan Dutta, the Deputy Project Director responsible for the mission’s launch control operations, has deep roots in North Lakhimpur. His proud father, Ranjit Dutta, expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support and sought continued blessings for his son’s future achievements.

Despite their modest background, Chayan’s family was overjoyed to have a few friends join them in celebrating this special moment. The senior Dutta, managing his cutlery and cooking items shop, multitasked between attending customers and receiving well-wishes. The town’s residents, while making purchases, also extended their congratulations to the parents, making it a memorable day for everyone involved.

Chayan Dutta, residing in Bengaluru with his wife and children, visited his hometown in Assam to seek his parents’ blessings for the Chandrayaan-3 mission. His mother couldn’t contain her emotions, beaming with pride and shedding tears of joy. Despite his busy schedule, Chayan remained connected to his roots and cherished the support and blessings from his family.

Chayan Dutta’s educational background includes being an accomplished alumnus of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at Tezpur University. Currently serving as a Scientist/Engineer-G at UR Rao Satellite Centre, Department of Space, he holds the esteemed position of Deputy Project Director, leading the “On Board Command Telemetry, Data Handling & Storage System, Lander, Chandrayaan-3” project. His pivotal role in controlling the spacecraft’s functions through the Command and Data Handling subsystem makes this accomplishment even more noteworthy.


The successful launch of Chandrayaan-3 received praise from Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, who commended the brilliant scientists and engineers behind the mission. Assam’s North Lakhimpur rejoiced in the achievements of Chayan Dutta, considering it a significant milestone for their son and the nation. This inspiring endeavor in space exploration will undoubtedly pave the way for new discoveries and advancements.

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bank of maharashtra recruitment

Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment 2023: 400 Officer Vacancies

Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment 2023: Apply online for 400 Officer vacancies in Grades II & III. Last date: 25/07/2023. Find eligibility criteria, pay scale, and selection process here.

Bank of Maharashtra has announced a recruitment notification for 400 vacancies in the positions of Officer in Grade II & III. Interested and eligible candidates can apply online through the official recruitment portal. The last date for submission of online applications is 25th July 2023.

Here are the details of Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment 2023:

1. Officer II:

– Number of posts: 300 [SC: 45, ST: 22, OBC: 81, EWS: 30, UR: 122]
– Age Limit: 25-35 years as of 31.03.2023.
– Pay Scale: Pay Scale-II, Rs. 48,170 – (1740/1) – 49,910 – (1990/10) – 69,810.
– Educational Qualification: Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum of 60% marks in the aggregate of all semesters/years (55% for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD). Possessing JAIIB & CAIIB is desirable. Alternatively, candidates with a professional qualification like CA/CMA/CFA from a recognized University/Institution/Board approved by Govt. of India/Govt. regulatory bodies are also eligible.
– Experience: Candidates should have a minimum of 3 years of post-qualification work experience as an officer in any Scheduled Commercial Bank. Experience in credit-related areas or as a Branch Head/Incharge is preferable.

2. Officer III:

– Number of posts: 100 [SC: 15, ST: 7, OBC: 27, EWS: 10, UR: 41]
– Age Limit: 25-38 years as of 31.03.2023.
– Pay Scale: Pay Scale-III, Rs. 63,840 – (1990/5) – 73,790 – (2220/2) – 78,230.
– Educational Qualification: Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum of 60% marks in the aggregate of all semesters/years (55% for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD). Possessing JAIIB & CAIIB is desirable. Alternatively, candidates with a professional qualification like CA/CMA/CFA from a recognized University/Institution/Board approved by Govt. of India/Govt. regulatory bodies are also eligible.
– Experience: Candidates should have a minimum of 5 years of post-qualification work experience as an officer in any Scheduled Commercial Bank. The candidate should have a minimum of one year of experience as a Branch Manager/Head out of five years. Experience in credit-related areas or as Incharge of Specialized Verticals is preferable.

Age Relaxation:

– Upper age relaxation of 3 years for OBC, 5 years for SC/ST, and 10 years for PWD candidates.

Application Fee:
– UR/EWS/OBC: Rs. 1180/-
– SC/ST: Rs. 118/-
– PWD/Women Candidates: NIL

How to Apply for Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment:

– Interested and eligible candidates can apply online through the Official Recruitment Portal. Follow the below-mentioned steps to apply:
1. Scroll down and go to the Important Web-Links section.
2. Click on the “Online Application Form” and complete the registration process by clicking “Click here for New Registration”.
3. In the next stage, click on the “Online Application Form” link and log in.
4. Fill in your personal and educational details and upload necessary documents.
5. Pay the application fee as per your category.
6. Finally, submit the application form and take a printout of it.

Important Dates of Bank of Maharashtra Specialist Officer Recruitment 2023:

– Starting date of submission of online application: 13th July 2023
– Last date of submission of online application: 25th July 2023

Selection Process of Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment:
– Candidates will be required to appear for an online examination conducted through IBPS. Successful candidates will be called for an interview based on their ranking.
– The online examination will consist of an Objective Test for 150 marks, covering English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and Professional Knowledge.
– The minimum cut-off marks for the online examination, interview, and final selection will be 50% for UR/EWS and 45% for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD candidates.
– The final selection will be based on the combined scores obtained in the Online Examination and Interview.

For more details and to apply online, candidates can visit the provided Important Web-Links section.

Note: The information provided above is based on the given recruitment notification. Candidates are advised to refer to the official notification for detailed instructions and accuracy of the information