
Emergency alert: Extreme’: Govt testing alert message for Android, iOS users with loud buzzer-like sound

টেলিকমিউনিকেচন বিভাগে ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় দুৰ্যোগ ব্যৱস্থাপনা প্ৰাধিকৰণৰ সহযোগত ভাৰতত ইয়াৰ জৰুৰীকালীন সতৰ্কতা ব্যৱস্থা সক্ৰিয়ভাৱে পৰীক্ষা কৰি আহিছে। এই ব্যৱস্থাৰ লক্ষ্য হৈছে বানপানী, চুনামী, ভূমিকম্প বা ভূমিস্খলনৰ দৰে জটিল পৰিস্থিতিৰ সময়ত নাগৰিকক তৎকালীনভাৱে অৱগত কৰি জনসাধাৰণৰ সুৰক্ষা নিশ্চিত কৰা।

এই শেহতীয়া পৰীক্ষাটোত এণ্ড্ৰইড আৰু আই অ’ এছ স্মাৰ্টফোনকে ধৰি বহুতো ডিভাইচলৈ জৰুৰীকালীন সতৰ্কবাণী বাৰ্তা প্ৰেৰণ কৰা হৈছিল, লগতে এপল ৱাচ আল্ট্ৰা ২ৰ দৰে স্মাৰ্টৱাচলৈ। চৰম” ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ দৃষ্টি আকৰ্ষণ কৰিবলৈ।


এই বাৰ্তাটোত কোৱা হৈছিল যে ভাৰত চৰকাৰৰ দূৰসংযোগ বিভাগে চেল ব্ৰডকাষ্টিং চিষ্টেমৰ জৰিয়তে প্ৰেৰণ কৰা এটা নমুনা পৰীক্ষণ বাৰ্তা। ইয়াত গুৰুত্ব আৰোপ কৰা হৈছে যে প্ৰাপকসকলৰ পৰা কোনো ব্যৱস্থা গ্ৰহণৰ প্ৰয়োজন নাই আৰু এই বাৰ্তাটো প্যান ইণ্ডিয়া ইমাৰ্জেন্সি এলাৰ্ট চিষ্টেমৰ চলি থকা পৰীক্ষণৰ অংশ।

জৰুৰীকালীন সতৰ্কতা ব্যৱস্থাটো স্মাৰ্টফোনত চাইলেণ্ট মোড অভাৰৰাইড কৰিবলৈ ডিজাইন কৰা হৈছে যাতে জৰুৰীকালীন অৱস্থাত ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীয়ে জটিল তথ্য লাভ কৰাটো নিশ্চিত হয়। কিন্তু ফোন চাইলেণ্ট অন কৰি থকা একাংশ ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীয়ে উচ্চ শব্দ বা কম্পনৰ সৈতে বাৰ্তা লাভ নকৰাৰ খবৰ আহিছিল, যিটো ভৱিষ্যতৰ পৰীক্ষাত সম্বোধন কৰা হ’ব বুলি আশা কৰা হৈছে।

জুলাই মাহত আৰম্ভ হোৱা দূৰসংযোগ বিভাগ আৰু এনডিএমএৰ মাজত এই সহযোগিতামূলক প্ৰচেষ্টাৰ লক্ষ্য হৈছে প্ৰকৃত জৰুৰীকালীন পৰিস্থিতিৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত নাগৰিকসকলক অৱগত আৰু প্ৰস্তুত কৰি ৰাখিবলৈ এক শক্তিশালী সম্প্ৰচাৰ নেটৱৰ্ক স্থাপন কৰা। মন কৰিবলগীয়া যে এইটো এনে অধিসূচনাৰ প্ৰথমটো নহয়, কিয়নো জুলাই মাহত আৰম্ভ হোৱাৰ পিছত চিষ্টেমটোৱে একাধিকবাৰ পৰীক্ষা কৰা হৈছে।


Assam Scientists Celebrate Chandrayaan-3 Triumph

The excited family members of scientists, Nidhi Sharma and Chayan Dutta, hailing from Tinsukia and Lakhimpur towns respectively, were overwhelmed with joy as the momentous touchdown took place. The families of these two accomplished ISRO scientists from Assam were filled with euphoria due to the flawless soft landing of the Chandrayaan-3 rover on the lunar surface.

Both Sharma and Dutta had crucial roles in the Chandrayaan 2 and 3 missions, actively contributing to the operations at the Landing Control Centre of the esteemed Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) located in Sriharikota.

The heartfelt words “Baba, we did it” were the initial expressions shared by Nidhi Sharma as she reached out to her father-in-law, Deepak Dev, engaging in a conversation that lasted less than a minute.

Recalling the previous anxiety-ridden instance when Chandrayaan-2 faced setbacks in its final moments, Dev shared, “We were filled with tension and uncertainty as Chandrayaan-2 encountered difficulties during the final phases. At that time, she had reached out to us, expressing her disappointment. With the triumphant achievement of Chandrayaan-3, our jubilation knows no bounds, and words fall short of describing our elation,” Dev conveyed to PTI.

Sikha Dev, Dev’s wife, mentioned that Nidhi is currently expecting her first child, which has raised concerns about her well-being. “When I advised her to maintain a proper diet and take care of herself, she mentioned that her focus was entirely on the mission and that she would address personal matters only after the mission’s success,” Sikha shared. Their son is employed with a multinational corporation in Bengaluru.

The Dev family, accompanied by neighbors and friends, experienced the live streaming of the event at their residence. Similarly, Dutta’s parents, Rajani Kumar Dutta and Sheela Dutta watched the live broadcast on their mobile phones from their crockery shop.

Dutta expressed his profound joy, saying, “I share in the exuberance that every Indian feels… the paramount thing is the accomplishment of the mission.” Meanwhile, Dutta’s wife shed tears of happiness while witnessing the landing.

Reflecting on a past mission that Chayan had participated in, which had encountered challenges despite dedicated efforts, Dutta’s father emotionally recounted his son’s heartfelt call, wherein he had expressed the failure with tears. This experience compelled him to urge everyone to pray for the success of the current mission. “Today, God has answered the prayers of all,” he added, his heart brimming with gratitude.


how many district in assam

How many District in Assam 2023

Explore the Enchanting Districts of Assam:

Discover the beauty of Assam, an enchanting state in northeastern India, through its 31 vibrant districts. Each district boasts unique culture, traditions, economy, and tourist attractions. Recently, in December 2022, the total number of districts decreased from 33 to 31, as Biswanath merged with Sonitpur and Hojai with Nagaon. Let’s take a closer look at these diverse districts, spread across the state’s picturesque landscapes of hills, plains, and valleys.

Thriving Economy and Culture:

The majority of Assam’s population is engaged in agriculture and allied industries. Additionally, tea production, tourism, and handloom weaving play vital roles in the state’s economy. Assam’s rich cultural heritage is exhibited in its various festivals, traditional attire, and delectable culinary delights.

Nature’s Haven:

Assam is a nature enthusiast’s paradise, with numerous wildlife refuges and national parks, making it an ideal destination for wildlife lovers and adventurers alike.

Assam Districts List and Map:

Here’s an extensive list of Assam’s districts, along with key information such as their headquarters, population as of 2011, population density, and area:

1. Baksa – Headquarters: Mushalpur – Population: 953,773 – Density: 398/km² – Area: 2,400 km²
2. Bajali – Headquarters: Pathsala – Population: 253,816 – Density: N/A – Area: N/A
3. Barpeta – Headquarters: Barpeta – Population: 1,439,806 – Density: N/A – Area: N/A
4. Biswanath – Headquarters: Biswanath Chariali – Population: 580,000 – Density: 530/km² – Area: 1,100 km²

how many districts in Assam

5. Bongaigaon – Headquarters: Bongaigaon – Population: 2,060,550 – Density: 425/km² – Area: 1,724 km²
6. Cachar – Headquarters: Silchar – Population: 1,736,319 – Density: 381/km² – Area: 3,786 km²
7. Charaideo – Headquarters: Sonari – Population: 471,418 – Density: 440/km² – Area: 1,064 km²
8. Chirang – Headquarters: Kajalgaon – Population: 481,818 – Density: 328/km² – Area: 1,468 km²
9. Darrang – Headquarters: Mangaldai – Population: 908,090 – Density: 432/km² – Area: 1,585 km²
10. Dhemaji – Headquarters: Dhemaji – Population: 688,077 – Density: 176/km² – Area: 3,237 km²
11. Dhubri – Headquarters: Dhubri – Population: 1,948,632 – Density: 576/km² – Area: 2,838 km²

12. Dibrugarh – Headquarters: Dibrugarh – Population: 1,327,750 – Density: 347/km² – Area: 3,381 km²
13. Dima Hasao – Headquarters: Haflong – Population: 214,102 – Density: 44/km² – Area: 4,888 km²
14. Goalpara – Headquarters: Goalpara – Population: 1,008,959 – Density: 451/km² – Area: 1,824 km²
15. Golaghat – Headquarters: Golaghat – Population: 1,058,674 – Density: 270/km² – Area: 3,502 km²
16. Hailakandi – Headquarters: Hailakandi – Population: 659,260 – Density: 409/km² – Area: 1,327 km²
17. Hojai – Headquarters: Hojai – Population: 931,218 – Density: 550/km² – Area: 1,686 km²

how many districts in Assam

18. Jorhat – Headquarters: Jorhat – Population: 1,091,295 – Density: 354/km² – Area: 2,851 km²
19. Kamrup Metropolitan – Headquarters: Guwahati – Population: 1,260,419 – Density: 820/km² – Area: 1,528 km²
20. Kamrup – Headquarters: Amingaon – Population: 1,517,202 – Density: 520/km² – Area: 1,527.84 km²
21. Karbi Anglong – Headquarters: Diphu – Population: 660,955 – Density: 90/km² – Area: 7,366 km²

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22. Karimganj – Headquarters: Karimganj – Population: 1,217,002 – Density: 555/km² – Area: 1,809 km²
23. Kokrajhar – Headquarters: Kokrajhar – Population: 930,404 – Density: 297/km² – Area: 3,129 km²
24. Lakhimpur – Headquarters: North Lakhimpur – Population: 1,040,644 – Density: 391/km² – Area: 2,277 km²

25. Majuli – Headquarters: Garamur – Population: 167,304 – Density: 300/km² – Area: 880 km²
26. Morigaon – Headquarters: Morigaon – Population: 957,853 – Density: 455/km² – Area: 1,704 km²
27. Nagaon – Headquarters: Nagaon – Population: 1,892,550 – Density: 604/km² – Area: 2,287 km²
28. Nalbari – Headquarters: Nalbari – Population: 769,919 – Density: 504/km² – Area: 2,257 km²
29. Sivasagar – Headquarters: Sivasagar – Population: 1,150,253 – Density: 395/km² – Area: 2,668 km²
30. Sonitpur – Headquarters: Tezpur – Population: 1,925,975 – Density: 315/km² – Area: 5,324 km²
31. South Salmara-Mankachar – Headquarters: Hatsingimari – Population: 555,114 – Density: 980/km² – Area: 568 km²

32. Tinsukia – Headquarters: Tinsukia – Population: 1,316,948 – Density: 303/km² – Area: 3,790 km²
33. Udalguri – Headquarters: Udalguri – Population: 832,769 – Density: 497/km² – Area: 1,676 km²
34. West Karbi Anglong – Headquarters: Hamren – Population: 295,358 – Density: 96/km² – Area: 3,068 km²

Evolution of Assam Districts:

The district map of Assam has witnessed significant changes since India’s independence in

1947. Over the years, new districts were formed, and some were merged to optimize administrative efficiency. Recently, in 2023, four newly constituted districts were merged into existing ones, resulting in the current 31 districts.  Discover Assam’s districts! Find out how many districts in Assam , their unique culture & attractions. Explore now!

Embark on a journey through Assam’s captivating districts and immerse yourself in the state’s rich cultural tapestry and breathtaking landscapes. Discover the essence of Assam’s diversity, reflected in its people, traditions, and natural wonders.


Assam's Revenue Soars: Record Growth

অসমৰ ৰাজহ আকাশ: অভিলেখ বৃদ্ধি!

অসমৰ মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰী কাৰ্যালয়ে যোৱা ১৫ জুলাইত ঘোষণা কৰিছিল যে ৰাজ্যৰ ৰাজহ যথেষ্ট বৃদ্ধি পাইছে। ২০২২-২৩ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত অসমে ₹৩০,২৬৩.৩৩ কোটি টকাৰ আচৰিত ধৰণৰ উপাৰ্জন কৰে। এই তথ্যসমূহ শ্বেয়াৰ কৰিবলৈ চিএমঅ’গৰাকীয়ে টুইটাৰত গৈ আভ্যন্তৰীণ উৎসৰ পৰা অসমৰ ৰাজহ আহৰণৰ ধাৰাবাহিক উৰ্ধমুখী ধাৰাক আলোকপাত কৰে। মাননীয় মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰী ড° হিমন্ত বিশ্ব শৰ্মাৰ নেতৃত্বত ৰাজ্যৰ সম্পদ আৰু ৰাজহ বৃদ্ধি পাইছে।

Assam's Revenue Soars: Record Growth
Assam’s Revenue Soars: Record Growth

শ্বেয়াৰ কৰা তথ্য অনুসৰি ২০১২-১৩ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত অসমৰ ৰাজহ ১০,৭২৩ কোটি ₹, ২০১৩-১৪ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ₹১১,৬৯৯.৯৬ কোটি, ২০১৪-১৫ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ₹১১,৮৬২.৭০ কোটি, ২০১৫-১৬, ২০২০ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ₹12,848 কোটি। ₹১৬,৪৩২.৬৮ টকা ২০১৬-১৭ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ১৭,২৮৭ কোটি, ২০১৮-১৯ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ২৪,১৪৬ কোটি, ২০১৯-২০ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ২২,০৬৮ কোটি, ২০২০-২১ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ২০,০৩৩.২৩ কোটি, ২৩,১১ ২০২১- ২০২০ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ২.৮৫ কোটি টকা। ২২, আৰু শেষত ২০২২-২৩ বিত্তীয় বৰ্ষত ₹৩০,২৬৩.৩৩ কোটি টকা।

উল্লেখযোগ্য যে শেহতীয়াকৈ অসম চৰকাৰে ৰাজহ বৃদ্ধিৰ ব্যৱস্থা ৰূপায়ণ কৰিছে, য’ত ২০২৩ চনৰ ১ জুলাইৰ পৰা সুৰাৰ দাম বৃদ্ধি কৰা হৈছে।ইয়াৰোপৰি এতিয়া সুৰাৰ দোকানসমূহৰ সময় সংশোধন কৰা হৈছে আৰু নিশা ১১:০০ বজালৈকে খোলা থাকিব। প্ৰতিবেদন অনুসৰি মদৰ শুল্ক ৪%ৰ পৰা ২৫%লৈ বৃদ্ধি কৰা হৈছে, আৰু মলত মদ বিক্ৰীৰ অনুমতিও দিয়া হৈছে।

এই কৌশলগত পৰিৱৰ্তনসমূহ কাৰ্যকৰী কৰি অসম চৰকাৰে ৰাজহ আহৰণ বৃদ্ধি আৰু ৰাজ্যৰ অৰ্থনৈতিক বিকাশৰ দিশত আগুৱাই নিয়াৰ লক্ষ্য ৰাখিছে।

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Chayan Dutta

Assam’s North Lakhimpur Cheers for Chandrayaan-3 Moon Mission Led by Local Son


The launch of ‘Chandrayaan-3,’ India’s third lunar mission, was a moment of pride and excitement for the people of Assam’s North Lakhimpur. They eagerly watched the launch on television, knowing that one of their own, Chayan Dutta, played a crucial role in the mission’s success. Let’s delve into why North Lakhimpur rallied behind the Chandrayaan-3 moon mission.

The eyes of North Lakhimpur were glued to the television as Chayan Dutta’s parents, running a small shop in the town, witnessed the historic launch. Chayan Dutta, the Deputy Project Director responsible for the mission’s launch control operations, has deep roots in North Lakhimpur. His proud father, Ranjit Dutta, expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support and sought continued blessings for his son’s future achievements.

Despite their modest background, Chayan’s family was overjoyed to have a few friends join them in celebrating this special moment. The senior Dutta, managing his cutlery and cooking items shop, multitasked between attending customers and receiving well-wishes. The town’s residents, while making purchases, also extended their congratulations to the parents, making it a memorable day for everyone involved.

Chayan Dutta, residing in Bengaluru with his wife and children, visited his hometown in Assam to seek his parents’ blessings for the Chandrayaan-3 mission. His mother couldn’t contain her emotions, beaming with pride and shedding tears of joy. Despite his busy schedule, Chayan remained connected to his roots and cherished the support and blessings from his family.

Chayan Dutta’s educational background includes being an accomplished alumnus of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at Tezpur University. Currently serving as a Scientist/Engineer-G at UR Rao Satellite Centre, Department of Space, he holds the esteemed position of Deputy Project Director, leading the “On Board Command Telemetry, Data Handling & Storage System, Lander, Chandrayaan-3” project. His pivotal role in controlling the spacecraft’s functions through the Command and Data Handling subsystem makes this accomplishment even more noteworthy.


The successful launch of Chandrayaan-3 received praise from Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, who commended the brilliant scientists and engineers behind the mission. Assam’s North Lakhimpur rejoiced in the achievements of Chayan Dutta, considering it a significant milestone for their son and the nation. This inspiring endeavor in space exploration will undoubtedly pave the way for new discoveries and advancements.

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Hair cut

Controversial Hair Trimming Incident Sparks Outrage in Assam School

According to police reports, a teacher in a school in Majuli district, Assam, allegedly cut the hair of over 30 students during the morning assembly as a disciplinary measure. The incident has caused distress among the students, with one child refusing to go to school due to feelings of humiliation.

The school authorities justified the teacher’s actions by stating that the students had violated the school’s guidelines regarding long hair. They claimed that multiple warnings were given, and parents were informed, but no action was taken. The authorities argued that the incident was meant to teach discipline.

In response to the incident, the deputy commissioner of the district has ordered an inquiry. Preliminary investigations revealed that the teacher only reduced the length of the students’ hair, contrary to some reports that suggested a complete trimming. However, the affected students are now unwilling to attend classes.

Parents of one of the students expressed their concern, acknowledging the need for discipline but criticizing the manner in which it was enforced. They stated that while cleanliness and uniformity are important, publicly trimming a child’s hair during assembly is humiliating.

District administration officials highlighted that there are no provisions in the state government’s guidelines allowing teachers to cut students’ hair on school premises. They are currently investigating the matter to understand the full details of what happened.

In a separate incident, a school in Cachar district recently imposed a fine of ₹250 on a student for speaking in their mother tongue accidentally. This decision was widely criticized. The school authorities later clarified that the fine was intended to promote discipline and that collecting money was not their intention.


Assam Class 12th Results 2023: AHSEC HS Result Declared | Check Now

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) is set to announce the Assam Class 12th results on May 27. Students who appeared for the higher secondary (Assam HS 12th) examinations can check their marks on the official websites, and

This year, the Assam Class 12 exams were conducted from February 20 to March 20. While there were reports of the Assam HS chemistry paper being leaked a day before the exam, the state education minister, Ranoj Pegu, dismissed the claims as baseless.

To check the Assam Board 12th results 2023, students will need to enter their roll numbers. Last year, the pass percentages were as follows: science stream – 92.19%, commerce stream – 87.27%, and arts stream – 83.48%. The Assam HSLC 10th result 2023 was declared on May 22 for over 4.2 lakh students, with an overall pass percentage of 72.69%.

Here is the procedure to check the Assam HS result 2023:

1. Visit the official websites or
2. Click on the ‘Assam HS result 2023’ download link.
3. Enter your roll number in the provided space.
4. The Assam HS result 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
5. Check your marks and qualifying status, and download the result for future reference.

Alternatively, you can also check the Assam 12th result through SMS. Follow these steps:

1. Open the SMS application on your mobile phone.
2. Type ASSAM12 followed by your roll number.
3. Send the SMS to 56263.
4. The AHSEC 12th result 2023 will be sent to your mobile number.

Best of luck to all the students awaiting their Assam HS 12th results!

Markazul Ma'arif

Markazul Ma’arif Recruitment: Teaching Staff Vacancies

Markazul Ma’arif Recruitment: Teaching Staff Vacancies

Last Date: 19/05/2023

Markazul Ma’arif, Hojai is inviting applications for the recruitment of 18 Teaching Staff vacancies for Markaz Group of Schools. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the positions.

Vacancy Details:

– Faculty (Male & Female): 18 positions

Subject-wise Vacancy:

– Science: 3
– Mathematics: 2
– Computer Science: 4
– Social Science: 2
– English: 3
– Assamese: 2
– Botany: 1
– Chemistry: 1

Educational Qualification:

– Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, Social Science, English: Candidates should have a Postgraduate (PG) or Undergraduate (UG) degree along with B.Ed./D.El.Ed. and a minimum of 2 years of teaching experience. Good English communication skills are required.

– Assamese: Candidates should have a Postgraduate (PG) degree along with B.Ed./D.El.Ed. and a minimum of 2 years of teaching experience. Fluency in the respective field is necessary.

– Botany, Chemistry: Candidates should have a Postgraduate (PG) degree along with B.Ed. and a minimum of 2 years of teaching experience. Good English communication skills are required.

Pay: Salary is not a constraint for deserving candidates.

How to Apply for Markazul Ma’arif Recruitment?

Interested and eligible candidates can apply by sending their resumes to or by calling at the following numbers:

– +917002324443
– +919954773079

Please mention the discipline you are applying for in your CV.

Last Date of Application Submission: 19th May 2023.


Interview Schedule:
Date: 21/05/2023
Time: 09:30 AM
Venue: Markaz Academy English Higher Secondary School, Hojai.

About Markazul Ma’arif:

Markazul Ma’arif is a voluntary social-welfare Non-Government Organization (NGO) dedicated to uplifting the economically and educationally backward segments of society. It has been actively implementing various schemes and plans in different fields since its inception. Markaz has gained recognition and trust through its extensive network of activities across the country. The organization is registered under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860.


PNRD Assam Recruitment 2023 – 438 Block Coordinator and Assistant Posts

State Institute of Panchayat & Rural Development (SIPRD), Assam, under the Department of Panchayat & Rural Development, Govt. of Assam, has released a recruitment notification for 438 Block Coordinator and Block MIS Assistant cum Accountant Posts. Interested candidates can check the detailed notification below. The last date to apply for this recruitment is March 22, 2023.

PNRD Assam Recruitment Details:

  1. Block Coordinator Number of Posts: 219 Remuneration: Rs. 22,000/- per month Qualification: Bachelor Degree from any recognized University in any discipline. Experience: Should have training / teaching experience in Government Institutions / Private Institutions of repute etc. with a minimum period of 2 (two) years. Age: Maximum age up to 40 years as on 01-01-2023. Placement: The selected Block Coordinator will be placed in any of the Blocks throughout Assam and is transferable within the state of Assam.
  2. Block MIS Assistant cum Accountant Number of Posts: 219 Remuneration: Rs. 18,000/- per month Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Commerce from a recognized University and must possess Diploma in Computer Application (minimum duration of 6 months). Experience: Minimum 1-year work experience in Accounts Keeping and in the field of IT/MIS. Age: Maximum age up to 40 years as on 01-01-2023. Placement: The engaged Block MIS Assistant cum Accountant will be placed in any of the Blocks throughout Assam and is transferable within the state of Assam.

Selection Process for PNRD Assam Block Coordinator and Block MIS Assistant Posts:

There will be two phases in the selection process:

  • Phase-I: The Candidates whose applications are accepted will be required to appear in an objective type written test to be held in Guwahati.
  • Phase-II: Against each vacancy, 3 candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of the marks obtained in the written test. After the written test, the shortlisted candidates will have to appear in a Personal Interview to be held in Guwahati.

The total marks for the Personal Interview will be 20 Marks.

How to Apply for PNRD Assam Recruitment:

Interested and eligible candidates are required to apply in the prescribed form through online mode only. No other mode for submission of the application is allowed. Candidates may follow the below-mentioned steps to apply online for PNRD Assam Recruitment 2023. The last date for apply online is March 22, 2023.

Steps to Apply Online:

  1. Go to the Important Links section below.
  2. Click on the “Register Online” and complete the registration process by clicking “Register Here”.
  3. In the next stage, click on the “Apply Online” Link and Login.
  4. Fill your personal and educational details and upload necessary documents.
  5. Make payment of the application fee as per your category and submit the form.
  6. At the end, take a printout of the application form.

Important Dates and Links for PNRD Assam Recruitment 2023:

Last date to apply: March 22, 2023

Important Links:

To read the official notification and apply online, visit the official website of PNRD Assam at

Apply Link:


Meghalaya Assembly Speaker’s Assets Soar to Rs. 146 Crore Ahead of 2023 Elections, Says Report

According to a recent report published by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) and Meghalaya Election Watch, the assets of Meghalaya assembly speaker Metbah Lyngdoh have seen a staggering 68 percent increase over the past five years, rising to a total of Rs 146.31 crore. This makes him the wealthiest candidate running in the upcoming Meghalaya assembly elections.

The report also highlights significant asset growth among other key political figures in the state, including Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma, whose assets rose from Rs 5.33 crore in 2018 to Rs 14.06 crore in 2023 – an increase of 164 percent.

Other notable increases include Meghalaya Urban Affairs Minister Sniawbhalang Dhar, whose assets increased by an astonishing 607 percent over the past five years, and Meghalaya Power Minister James Sangma, whose assets rose from Rs 7 crore in 2018 to Rs 53 crore in 2023 – a whopping 568 percent increase.

The assets of Meghalaya’s leader of opposition Mukul Sangma and his wife DD Shira also increased significantly over the past five years, rising from Rs 13.59 crore in 2018 to Rs 28.21 crore in 2023 – an increase of 108 percent.

This report sheds light on the wealth accumulation of key political figures in Meghalaya and may influence public perception and voting behavior in the upcoming assembly elections.